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Business Calculators

Our primary objective is to work side by side with our clients as a team or partnership to minimise their stress and worry and maximise their opportunities and net profit, whilst ensuring that they are fully protected against tax audits. Also to assist them in complying with all statutory obligations and responsibilities both State and Federal and furthermore we strive to legally minimise all taxes, duties and other outgoings thus maximising the amount of cash available for investing.
We then offer advice and assistance on how best to protect various assets and most importantly income streams
As wealth grows we then assist with succession and retirement planning to provide peace of mind in knowing that at a particular point in time our client can retire comfortably and enjoy a suitable lifestyle without having to worry about money or the pension.
Our Practice strives to produce a “ONE-STOP-SHOP” type service covering all aspects of our clients financial and business needs. Please refer to our Service Areas and Financial Independence flowchart.
We are happy to provide ongoing comments and thoughts on the economy and where we see opportunities and which areas should be avoided.
We strive to train all of our clients in all aspects of their business so that they understand about managing and controlling their business, thus leading to the correct decisions being made as consistently as possible.
We pride ourselves on being down to earth, approachable people and hopefully always a pleasure to deal with.
Over the past recent years we have had many business audits and to date we have an excellent record with the Australian Taxation Office and we have developed detailed checklists over the years to ensure that we minimise our clients tax liability as well as minimising the chances of errors being made.
We also have a saying that we “DO IT RIGHT, OR WE DON’T DO IT AT ALL” and that is why our Tax Office Audits have been spot on!!
We are happy to “take on” the tax office for clients as we did in an AAT case “Long-Vs-Federal Commission of Taxation dealing with “Bona-Fide Redundancy” and we were successful….        


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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